Most late model Honda cars and vans come with a theft deterrent radio. If your auto’s battery goes dead or the radio loses power for any extended time you will need the radio code for your individual auto.
Many Honda’s have the radio code on a sticker in the side of the glove compartment. Mostly the radio code is on the outside left when you open it up. You will find two numbers on the sticker – you want the one with 5 digits.
If the radio code is not there then check your owners manual in front, back and the radio section to see if it has been written in there by the Honda dealer. IF not found, copy the VIN number and call the dealer, he will give the information to the manufacturer and they will give him your code.
When you turn on your radio after reconnecting the battery you will get a “code” message. Just punch in your newly found number and you should be good to go.
you will need to look for a white sticker that has a 5 digit code on top and a much longer one below it (one on bottom is the radio serial No.) The sticker is quite small about 3 inch long and 1 inch wide it can be in a number of different places – inside glove box, under glove box, on the door frames (can be seen with doors open) inside sunglasses holder, on the bottom of back door (can be seen when opened), underside of engine compartment fuse box lid, below steering wheel, (if not in any of those spots look anywhere else you think the first owner might have placed it). it should also be included with the paper work that you should have received when you purchased your vehicle (owners packet) if you cannot find the sticker you will need to have the radio’s serial No. this can be obtained by one of two ways, 1st- is to hold down the 1 and 6 preset buttons at the same time while your radio is off then while holding these down power on the radio, if that does not work (in some vehicles it will not), you will need to remove your radio from the dash and find the serial No. listed on it, it will be on one of the sides ie. top, bottom, back, or either side, once you have this No. you will need to call your local Honda dealer to get the code they will ask you for the radio’s serial No. and most likely the Vin also, they might also want info to prove you are the registered owner of the vehicle but only if they no longer have your info from when you bought the vehicle or if it is not the dealer you bought it from. after you receive the 5 digit code you need to enter it when the radio says “code” on the lcd if it says error with any No. after it just enter first number of code because the first No. you enter when it says error will go in as the first digit of the code, if you entered the wrong code to many times the radio might have locked you out from entering any more codes if this is the case you will need to disconnect your battery terminals to reset the radio again wait 5-10 mins before reconnecting them, and then proceed with entering your code. also every radio has its own unique code there is no master code so you will have to go through one of these methods to reset your radio’s anti-theft lock, there are many websites that say they will sell you the code via email if you give them the serial No. i do not recommend using these sites because many will give you a code that does not work, even if you think it is a legitimate web site because it uses PayPal as its payment method always remember PayPal only protects you when you are buying tangible products it does not protect you when it comes to anything electronically transferred such as a code sent to you via email so if the code does not work your money will most likely never be refunded, and the reason PayPal does not cover electronically transferred products is because people could scam the sites that deal in electronically transferred products because after receiving the right code they could claim it does not work and get there money back and therefor rip off the site. if you can not reset your radio after reading this you will need to take it into a dealer but that should not be necessary if you follow my directions. hope this helps you all, i have went through this before and had a hard time finding the information needed so that is why i have compiled all the info i have on this problem, because it is horrible to not have radio in your car!